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List of top WordPress themes

Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.

Sort by Popularity. Within the "Top Themes", we sorted themes by "Most Popular" at the time. This option will show you the themes that are currently popular among WordPress website owners.

Sort as most Used - the first 1000 WordPress themes with the high website amount

If you prefer the premium themes we provide the ability to sort themes by theme providers like, Envato Market ThemeForest,, and WpShop. Check Reviews and Ratings. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings for each theme. Themes with high ratings and positive reviews are often a good indication of customer satisfaction.

Use Research Independent Reviews.

Explore Featured and Trending Themes. Look for themes that are featured or marked as trending. These themes are often selected by based on their design, functionality, and user appeal.

Consider Your Needs.

Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.

WordPress themes list:

About Theme Websites

101. Nexus

Nexus is a versatile magazine theme packed full of custom widgets and content modules that give you control over your page. The challenge of any magaz
+3 new websites added last month

102. Kalium

Kalium - Creative Theme for Professionals
agency, architecture, blog, business, corporate, creative, ecommerce, elementor, minimal, modern, mu
+164 new websites added last month

103. Arras WP theme

Arras is a sophisticated, yet simple and clean WordPress theme for magazine/news blogs. Homepage comes with a featured slideshow and 3 featured post a
forum theme, support, magazine
0 new websites added last month

104. Oshine

Oshine is a beautiful creative multi-layout, multi-purpose wordpress portfolio theme with 18 unique demos. Oshine has been rated as one of the Best Po
+126 new websites added last month

105. Porto Child

Porto | Responsive WordPress + WooCommerce Theme
+104 new websites added last month

106. uncode-child

+92 new websites added last month

107. Virtue Premium

The Virtue Premium theme is extremely versatile with tons of options, easy to customize and loaded with great features. The clean modern design is bui
+35 new websites added last month

108. Jannah

amp, bestseller, blog, breaking news, buddypress, editorial news, gutenberg, magazine, minimal, news
+5 new websites added last month

109. Highend

Highend is our most powerful theme, ever made. No matter if you want your website big or small, Highend offers everything from a minimalistic to an ex
+83 new websites added last month

110. generatepress_child

+17 new websites added last month

111. Catch Box

Catch Box is simple, lightweight, box shaped, and adaptable WordPress Theme for bloggers and professionals. It is based on HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive
blog, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-hea
0 new websites added last month

112. Soledad

blog, blogger, business, clean, creative, elementor, fashion, food, lifestyle, magazine, minimal, mo
+14 new websites added last month

113. Weaver

this version on weaver is essentially obsolete. now, a new, even better version, called weaver ii, is available. weaver ii has many new features, incl
0 new websites added last month

114. Ultra

Ultra Theme Introducing the most powerful & flexible WordPress theme created by Themify, making it easy to create any site quickly and beautifully (a
+22 new websites added last month

115. RT-Theme 18

RT-Theme 18 is a responsive premium WordPress theme with powerful CMS tools. You can use it for business, corporate, product catalog, services or port
+59 new websites added last month

116. JupiterX

blog, business, construction, corporate, creative, customizable, elementor, hotel, multi purpose, ph
+53 new websites added last month

117. Consulting

accounting, advisor, broker, brokerage, business, company, consulting, consulting wp, corporate, ele
+111 new websites added last month

118. Striking

Here is a very small sample of Striking MultiFlex Sites -> typically theme developers love to show off what they have built, but we feel it far more i
+3 new websites added last month

119. Mystile

Mystile is a clean, lightweight WooCommerce theme, designed as a canvas which you can use as-is, or easily create a unique design to match your produc
+1 new websites added last month

120. Frontier

Frontier is a multi-purpose, HTML5 and CSS3 WordPress theme. It lets you choose between 1, 2 or 3 column layouts while offering independent template l
blue, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, dark, editor-style, featured-ima
0 new websites added last month

121. Custom

Customize Your WordPress Design The Smart Way. Custom WordPress Theme is a responsive Omega child theme, SEO Friendly, utliize WordPress Customizer op
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, flexible-header
+2 new websites added last month

122. Simplicity

A clean, simple and elegant WordPress theme designed by Lai Zit Seng. Highly configurable layout: flexible/fluidwidth or fixed width, two or three co
audio, business, corporate, e-commerce theme, flexible, jigoshop, multi color, portfolio, post type,
+1 new websites added last month

123. Valenti

Valenti is a cutting-edge, feature-rich Wordpress premium HD (retina-ready) review magazine theme that is fully-responsive. Using the exclusive Valent
News / Editorial
0 new websites added last month

124. Dante

Dante is a clean, modern and minimal multi-purpose WordPress theme. It has a wide range of incredible features and includes $90 worth of goodies… ev
+39 new websites added last month

125. MesoColumn

Mesocolumn is a Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 WordPress Theme that support BuddyPress, BBPress, WooCommerce and Jigoshop and comes with Unlimited Color Ch
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexibl
0 new websites added last month

126. Blocksy

Blocksy is a blazing fast and lightweight WordPress theme built with the latest web technologies. It was built with the Gutenberg editor in mind and h
blog, buddypress, custom-colors, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-images, footer-widge
+15 new websites added last month

127. Infinite

Infinite is a clean, responsive, retina ready and fully responsive wordpress theme for business websites, blogs and portfolio websites to showcase you
architect, business, conference, corporate, eco, event, financial, fitness, garden, mechanic, medica
+91 new websites added last month

128. Ultimatum

Ultimatum is not just a WordPress theme or framework. It is a total WordPress suite.
+38 new websites added last month

129. News Pro

News theme supports all of the great articles, audio and video of your content-heavy site, with eye-popping design and simple navigation. News theme k
+1 new websites added last month

130. Executive Pro Theme

Executive is designed with the understanding that your most important projects need to be front and center, strategically and expertly displayed. T
+4 new websites added last month

131. JNews

adsense, amp, blog, editorial, fashion, gutenberg, magazine, modern, news, newspaper, paywall, revie
+5 new websites added last month

132. Unicon

Unicon is the first design-driven Multipurpose WordPress Theme with great attention to details, incredible features, an intuitive user interface and e
business, clean, corporate, creative, design, ecommerce, modern, multipurpose, portfolio, profession
+76 new websites added last month

133. Construction

classic theme designed for construction marketplace
architecture, builder, building, business, company, construction, contractor, corporate, electrition
+125 new websites added last month

134. Mystique

Standard version of the popular Mystique theme. Extensive customization trough the dashboard and additional features are now only available in the ATO
fixed-width, light, right-sidebar, threaded-comments, translation-ready, two-columns, white
0 new websites added last month

135. Lightning

Lightning is a very simple & easy to customize theme which is based on the Bootstrap. It is also very friendly with custom post types and custom t
blog, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, foo
+1 new websites added last month

136. Zephyr

Zephyr | Material Design Theme
agency, blog, business, clean, corporate, creative, material design, modern, multipurpose, page buil
+75 new websites added last month

137. thesis_182

0 new websites added last month

138. pro-child

+57 new websites added last month

139. Oxygen

Oxygen is a minimalistic, mobile-optimized magazine theme with responsive layout. The main features include a featured content slider, custom front pa
business, cart, ecommerce, modern, page builder, portfolio, professional, responsive, retina, shop,
+8 new websites added last month

140. Metro Pro

Presenting Metro, a modern magazine-style layout built on an optimized mobile responsive platform. The spacious 1152 pixel-wide frame highlights yo
0 new websites added last month

141. Coraline

A squeaky-clean theme featuring a custom menu, header, background, and layout. Coraline supports 7 widget areas (up to 3 in the sidebar, four in the f
blue, brown, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, dark, editor-style, featured-image-heade
0 new websites added last month

142. Twenty Twenty-Two

Built on a solidly designed foundation, Twenty Twenty-Two embraces the idea that everyone deserves a truly unique website. The theme’s subtle styles
block-patterns, custom-colors, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, full-site-ed
+4 new websites added last month

143. Nirvana

Imagine a land of infinite beauty and overwhelming magnificence. Imagine seas of freedom and oceans of peace joining together with splashing waves of
beauty, events, fitness, health, lifestyle, meditation, pilates, retreat, shop, spa, sport, store, w
+1 new websites added last month

144. Aggregate

Aggregates comes packed with tons of content and widget-ready areas, and manages to display everything in a clear and readable manner. We have also ad
0 new websites added last month

145. Yoko

Yoko is a modern three-column blog theme. A responsive layout optimizes the theme for mobile devices like tablet pcs and modern smartphones (the layou
custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, right-sidebar, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comme
+2 new websites added last month

146. KLEO

Extremely flexible, Fully customizable WordPress Multi-Purpose theme to fit your demanding needs. You no longer need to be a professional developer
buddypress, charge users, community, customizer, drag&drop, e-commerce, forum, lms, membership,
+48 new websites added last month

147. Newspaper Child

Newspaper Child theme. Newspaper is a WordPress theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease.
News / Editorial
+7 new websites added last month

148. iNove

Inspired by, created by mg12. It is very stylish, widget supported and doesn’t require any plugin.
0 new websites added last month

149. genesis-sample

+3 new websites added last month

150. ClassiPress

ClassiPress is the original & most popular WordPress classified ads theme. Our feature-rich theme was built for ease-of-use and tight integration with
0 new websites added last month