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List of top WordPress themes

Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.

Sort by Popularity. Within the "Top Themes", we sorted themes by "Most Popular" at the time. This option will show you the themes that are currently popular among WordPress website owners.

Sort as most Used - the first 1000 WordPress themes with the high website amount

If you prefer the premium themes we provide the ability to sort themes by theme providers like, Envato Market ThemeForest,, and WpShop. Check Reviews and Ratings. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings for each theme. Themes with high ratings and positive reviews are often a good indication of customer satisfaction.

Use Research Independent Reviews.

Explore Featured and Trending Themes. Look for themes that are featured or marked as trending. These themes are often selected by based on their design, functionality, and user appeal.

Consider Your Needs.

Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.

WordPress themes list:

About Theme Websites

151. Sight

Sight blends simplicity with sophistication to bring refined beauty to your site. Elegant and versatile, Sight is a great choice for many different ty
0 new websites added last month

152. Travelify

Travelify is a clean, simple, responsive and customizable WordPress WooCommerce theme that looks awesome on any device. It adjusts automatically to an
custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, education, entertainment, featured-images, footer-widgets,
0 new websites added last month

153. Lifestyle Pro

Stylish online publishing has never been so easy than with the bright, magazine-style frame and amazing flexibility of the Lifestyle theme by Studiopr
+1 new websites added last month

154. Reboot

Reboot - multipurpose WordPress theme with home page builder. Allows you to create a unique main page with a rich grid, flexible settings for post car
Russian language, page builder
0 new websites added last month

155. 3Clicks

This item is no longer available!!! The 3Clicks is the most flexible and complete theme we’ve ever created. Its modern and fully responsive design
+44 new websites added last month

156. Envision

Envison is a very flexible, photo driven theme especially useful for Photography and Travel blogs. It's responsive, a bit customizable and totally awe
bbpress, business, corporate, localized, mega menu, megamenu, multipurpose, personal website, portfo
+32 new websites added last month

157. Hemingway

Hemingway is a clean and beautiful two-column theme for bloggers. It features a responsive design, retina-ready assets, Block Editor support, full-wid
blog, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, full
0 new websites added last month

158. total-child-theme

+100 new websites added last month

159. Alyeska

This item is no longer available
+1 new websites added last month

160. Xtra

agency, arabic, builder, business, construction, corporate, elementor, factory, hebrew, market, mobi
+75 new websites added last month

161. Omega

Omega theme is a responsive WordPress theme framework, serving as a robust WordPress Parent Theme. Omega theme supports HTML5 and code, the
custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, microformats, photography, rig
+7 new websites added last month

162. Twenty Nineteen

Our 2019 default theme is designed to show off the power of the block editor. It features custom styles for all the default blocks, and is built so th
block-patterns, custom-colors, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widge
+9 new websites added last month

163. TheFox

TheFox | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
blog, business, clean, corporate, creative, ecommerce, localization, modern, multipurpose, one page,
+59 new websites added last month

164. Publisher

The Publisher theme is designed to work for personal bloggers, online magazines, newspapers or community blogs, etc. If you’re looking for a beautif
+8 new websites added last month

165. MH Magazine

MH Magazine WordPress Theme is the perfect solution for online magazines, news websites, professional blogs and other editorial related projects. Pres
+2 new websites added last month

166. Realhomes Theme

Real Homes is a premium WordPress theme for real estate websites. It has nice and clean design. It comes loaded with many useful features, Like advanc
Real Estate
+21 new websites added last month

167. Make

Build a website that means business. With Make’s powerful drag and drop page builder and hundreds of Customizer options, you can effortlessly brand
buddypress, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, e-commerce, editor-style,
+3 new websites added last month

168. Striking

Here is a very small sample of Striking MultiFlex Sites -> typically theme developers love to show off what they have built, but we feel it far more i
+28 new websites added last month

169. Dynamik Gen

dynamik website builder for genesis puts you in control of your website through hundreds of design controls, 49 one-click home page configurations, an
+11 new websites added last month

170. Voice

Voice is a professional WordPress blog/magazine theme created with online news and magazine websites in mind, but it can also be used for simple perso
News / Editorial
+2 new websites added last month

171. Lucid

Lucid is a sleek and modern magazine theme that does a great job displaying tons of content while at the same time avoiding the feeling of clutter. Cl
0 new websites added last month

172. KALLYAS Child

Child theme by KALLYAS - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
+69 new websites added last month

173. BlankSlate

BlankSlate free theme
+2 new websites added last month

174. inFocus

A mysitemyway premium wordpress theme
blog, business, clean, corporate, elegant, gallery, jquery, lightbox, minimal, php, portfolio, profe
0 new websites added last month

175. Origin

Origin is a minimalistic theme with responsive layout. The theme supports custom header and background, plus a number of extra settings: link color, t
featured-images, microformats, one-column, right-sidebar, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-o
0 new websites added last month

176. Attitude

Attitude is a Simple, Clean and Responsive Retina Ready WordPress Theme which adapts automatically to your tablets and mobile devices. Theme is easily
custom-background, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-image-header, featu
0 new websites added last month

177. Modernize

Modernize is a new era of wordpress theme. You can discover many new awesome features in this theme. For example ‘Page Builder’, it allow you to c
church, corporate, education, kids, lawyer, localization, medical, political, responsive, restaurant
+1 new websites added last month

178. Expound

An awesome magazine theme for your WordPress site. Responsive layout, post thumbnails support, featured posts, an easy-to-use social menu and much mor
blue, buddypress, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flex
0 new websites added last month

179. Outreach Pro

a mobile responsive and html5 theme built for the genesis framework.
+9 new websites added last month

180. Metro

Presenting Metro, a modern magazine-style layout built on an optimized mobile responsive platform. The spacious 1152 pixel-wide frame highlights yo
+1 new websites added last month

181. Magazine

Magazine WordPress theme is a omega child wordpress theme built with Bootstrap 3, sleek and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and e
blue, custom-menu, featured-image-header, flexible-header, fluid-layout, full-width-template, gray,
0 new websites added last month

182. Story

Story is a modern and sharp WordPress theme. Its clean design was developed by the team of Pexeto for multi-purpose. As it should be, the responsive w
+5 new websites added last month

183. Sterling

Responsive Wordpress Theme by TrueThemes
charity, corona, covid, donate, donation, foundation, fundraise, fundraising, green, kids, ngo, non-
+2 new websites added last month

184. SimplePress

SimplePress is a slick new page-based theme great for anyone looking to give their website a clean and professional look. My goal with this design was
0 new websites added last month

185. cocoon-master

0 new websites added last month

186. Hestia

Hestia is a modern WordPress theme for professionals. It fits creative business, small businesses (restaurants, wedding planners, sport/medical shops)
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, editor-style,
+10 new websites added last month

187. The Retailer

The Retailer is a Top Selling Premium WordPress eCommerce Theme. Use it to build a beautiful responsive Online Store, a Portfolio, Personal/Corporate
+15 new websites added last month

188. avenue

Avenue is a responsive multi-purpose theme that can be used by a business, individual or agency. Avenue looks great on mobile. It is very easy to setu
custom-logo, custom-menu, featured-images, threaded-comments, translation-ready
+1 new websites added last month

189. Zerif Lite

Zerif LITE is a free one page WordPress theme. It's perfect for web agency business,corporate business,personal and parallax business portfolio, photo
custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, front-page-post-form, full-width-templat
+6 new websites added last month

190. Gonzo

This item is no longer available
Blog / Magazine
0 new websites added last month

191. BlogoLife

BlogoLife is a simple and perfect WordPress theme for personal blogging that supports post formats, and several customization options. The custom back
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-imag
0 new websites added last month

192. Evolution

Evolution is our first fully responsive design. What makes the theme so special is its ability to adapt to various screen sizes. Evolution come with 4
+2 new websites added last month

193. DMS

A responsive drag-and-drop design management system for pro websites based on HTML5 and CSS3. PageLines will help you do amazing things faster & e
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, fixed-layout, green, lef
+2 new websites added last month

194. Basic

Basic is a new free theme suggested by many users. The purpose of the Basic theme is to give you a starter theme so you can be your own designer. It o
themify, free
+1 new websites added last month

195. Socrates

premium wp theme with advanced customization features. Our signature features such as custom header designs, built in ad locations and our No CC requi
0 new websites added last month

196. News

An advanced news theme created to highlight news articles and media. It features multiple sidebars and custom templates while being child-theme frien
featured-images, fixed-width, microformats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, thread
0 new websites added last month

197. Flat

Flat is a free Blog Theme designed by YoArts. Works nice for a personal blog, magazine ,news or review website.
blog, business, clean, corporate, food, foundation, kids, localization, medical, metro, modern, resp
0 new websites added last month

198. XStore

Unlock the Power of E-Commerce with XStore: The Ultimate Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme. Designed to cater to a wide array of e-commerce needs, XStore
ajax woocommerce, business, clean, customizable, ecommerce, elementor, fashion, furniture, mobile, m
+40 new websites added last month

199. Swell

Swell is a beautiful WordPress theme that uses motion to help tell your story. It features a versatile home page template with two areas to insert big
0 new websites added last month

200. 907 (NineZeroSeven)

907 One Page Parallax WordPress Theme
+38 new websites added last month