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WordPress Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin, website examples, recent website updates

Facebook Photo Fetcher WordPress plugin

673 active sites

Allows you to automatically create WordPress photo galleries from Facebook albums. Simple to use and highly customizable.

This plugin allows you to quickly and easily generate WordPress photo galleries from Facebook albums.

The idea was inspired by Fotobook, though its approach is fundamentally different: while Fotobook's emphasis is on automation, this plugin allows a great deal of customization. With it you can create galleries in any Post or Page you like, right alongside your regular content. You do this simply by putting a "magic HTML tag" in the post's content - much like WordPress Shortcode. Upon saving, the tag will instantly be populated with the Facebook album content. Presentation is fully customizable via parameters to the "magic tag" - you can choose to show only a subset of an album's photos, change the number of photos per column, sho

albums, Facebook, fotobook, gallery, images, media, photos, pictures

Themes and plugins by   Facebook Photo Fetcher Details

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Recent update chart Facebook Photo Fetcher by active site count on Themetix (April, 2024)

The change in the number of websites in the last monthly update -33 websites

Recent changes in the number of sites for the Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin

How was changed amount of active sites built with Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin for the research period (May, 2023 - April, 2024):

From June to July website amount decreased by -2 sites: -0.20%
From July to August website amount decreased by -5 sites: -0.51 %
From August to September website amount decreased by -26 sites: -2.66 %
From September to October website amount decreased by -14 sites: -1.47 %
From October to November website amount increased by 5 sites: 0.53 %
From November to December website amount decreased by -35 sites: -3.72 %
From December to January 2024 website amount decreased by -72 sites: -7.94 %
From January to February 2024 website amount decreased by -13 sites: -1.56 %
From February to March 2024 website amount decreased by -107 sites: -13.02 %
From March to April 2024 website amount decreased by -16 sites: -1.95 %
From April to May 2024 website amount increased by 2 sites: 0.28 %

20 WordPress themes related to Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin

If you're looking for WordPress themes that work well with Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin, there are many theme examples available that Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin is the most used. Here are the list of 20 WordPress themes that are suitable for use with Facebook Photo Fetcher plugins

# Themes (folder name)
1 Twentyeleven
2 Avada
3 Divi
4 Twentytwelve
5 Responsive
6 Genesis
7 Twentyten
8 Canvas
9 Vantage
10 Sahifa
# Themes (folder name)
11 Graphene
12 Suffusion
13 Thesis_18
14 Twentyfourteen
15 U-design
16 Cherryframework
17 Newspaper
18 Risen
19 Enfold
20 Hueman

100 random examples of websites built with Facebook Photo Fetcher WordPress plugin

Full website collection using Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin View more examples

Here are some examples of websites built with the Facebook Photo Fetcher WordPress plugin. Compare website design and content. Evaluate the design of websites. Test the performance of other websites using Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin, before applying this.