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WordPress Improved Let It Snow! plugin, website examples, recent website updates

Improved Let It Snow! WordPress plugin

13 active sites

Upload the plugin folder to your plugin directory and activate to see falling snow on your blog.

Update Dec 23, 2012

Updated snow falll script to work with Wibiya. Localized Settings Page. Moved the Settings Page under main Settings. Uses register script and enque script.

Update Jan 30, 2011

Updated the plugin to the latest stable version of the snow script. Added additional options to the plugin admin page.

Update Nov 07, 2009

I have not been supporting this plugin for a long long time, almost 2 years in fact. Since Christmas is round the corner, I thought I should give this plugin a nice refresh. I have updated the snow script to the latest version. Best of all, I have added a plugin settings page so it's easier for those who are not comfortable with tweaking code.


In 2007, introduced a aen, christmas, flakes, snow, xmas

Themes and plugins by   Improved Let It Snow! Details

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Open Files In New Window or Tab website example screenshot

Open Files In New Window or Tab

12 sites
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WordPress Lazy Load website example screenshot

WordPress Lazy Load

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Recent update chart Improved Let It Snow! by active site count on Themetix (March, 2024)

The change in the number of websites in the last monthly update -1 websites

Recent changes in the number of sites for the Improved Let It Snow! plugin

How was changed amount of active sites built with Improved Let It Snow! plugin for the research period (May, 2023 - March, 2024):

From June to July website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00%
From July to August website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From August to September website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From September to October website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From October to November website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From November to December website amount decreased by -1 sites: -3.85 %
From December to January 2024 website amount decreased by -7 sites: -28.00 %
From January to February 2024 website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From February to March 2024 website amount decreased by -4 sites: -22.22 %
From March to April 2024 website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From April to May 2024 website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %

20 WordPress themes related to Improved Let It Snow! plugin

If you're looking for WordPress themes that work well with Improved Let It Snow! plugin, there are many theme examples available that Improved Let It Snow! plugin is the most used. Here are the list of 20 WordPress themes that are suitable for use with Improved Let It Snow! plugins

# Themes (folder name)
11 Wpb
12 Theme
13 Verobeach1
14 Crown
15 Gacc-2013christkindl
16 Headway-2010
17 Prestigio
18 Bliss
19 Justwrite
20 Generatepress

13 random examples of websites built with Improved Let It Snow! WordPress plugin

Here are some examples of websites built with the Improved Let It Snow! WordPress plugin. Compare website design and content. Evaluate the design of websites. Test the performance of other websites using Improved Let It Snow! plugin, before applying this.