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WordPress ResAds plugin, website examples, recent website updates

ResAds WordPress plugin

17 active sites

ResAds makes your advertising responsive and track your ads.

More and more users use mobile devices and see this ugly display errors. Google has recognized this and is mobile optimized websites better positions in the search results. Here, the advertising media are often overlooked. Remedy this creates ResAds. ResAds provides, depending on the user's terminal, the optimum display size is achieved with just a few clicks.


Responsive ist in aller Munde. Immer mehr Besucher nutzen mobile Endgeräte und sehen dabei unschöne Darstellungsfehler. Google hat dies erkannt und gibt mobiloptimierten Webseiten bessere Positionen in den Suchergebnissen. Dabei werden gerne die Werbemittel vergessen. Abhilfe hierbei schafft ResAds. ResAds stellt, je nach Endgerät des Nutzers, die optimale Anzeigengröße dar und das mit nur wenigen Klicks.

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ad management, ad manager, Ad Rotator, ads, adsense, adsense plugin, advertising, affiliate, banner, banner management, banner manager, marketing, mobile, monetization, plugin, promotion, reports, responsive, responsive ads, responsive AdSense, responsive advertising, statistics, stats, tracking

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Discover plugins related to ResAds ranked by popularity and active website deployments. Select from the list below to see plugins with a similar number of active installations.

Tradetracker-Store website example screenshot


16 sites
Site Table of Contents website example screenshot

Site Table of Contents

16 sites
Site Page Tree website example screenshot

Site Page Tree

16 sites
Simply Attached website example screenshot

Simply Attached

16 sites

Recent update chart ResAds by active site count on Themetix (March, 2024)

The change in the number of websites in the last monthly update -4 websites

Recent changes in the number of sites for the ResAds plugin

How was changed amount of active sites built with ResAds plugin for the research period (May, 2023 - March, 2024):

From June to July website amount increased by 1 sites: 6.25%
From July to August website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From August to September website amount increased by 4 sites: 23.53 %
From September to October website amount decreased by -1 sites: -4.76 %
From October to November website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From November to December website amount increased by 1 sites: 5.00 %
From December to January 2024 website amount increased by 1 sites: 4.76 %
From January to February 2024 website amount decreased by -2 sites: -9.09 %
From February to March 2024 website amount increased by 1 sites: 5.00 %
From March to April 2024 website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From April to May 2024 website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %

17 random examples of websites built with ResAds WordPress plugin

Here are some examples of websites built with the ResAds WordPress plugin. Compare website design and content. Evaluate the design of websites. Test the performance of other websites using ResAds plugin, before applying this.