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List of top WordPress themes

Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.

Sort by Popularity. Within the "Top Themes", we sorted themes by "Most Popular" at the time. This option will show you the themes that are currently popular among WordPress website owners.

Sort as most Used - the first 1000 WordPress themes with the high website amount

If you prefer the premium themes we provide the ability to sort themes by theme providers like, Envato Market ThemeForest,, and WpShop. Check Reviews and Ratings. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings for each theme. Themes with high ratings and positive reviews are often a good indication of customer satisfaction.

Use Research Independent Reviews.

Explore Featured and Trending Themes. Look for themes that are featured or marked as trending. These themes are often selected by based on their design, functionality, and user appeal.

Consider Your Needs.

Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.

WordPress themes list:

About Theme Websites

5101. Gray White Black

Stylish theme with modern gray menu, white background and black visible fonts. Theme is widgetized and has got very light code.
editor-style, fixed-width, gray, light, sticky-post, two-columns, white
-1 new websites added last month

5102. Honey

Honey - Creative Portfolio, Photography Theme | Creative
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5103. Hiker

Hiker - WordPress Photography Theme
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5104. The Go Green Theme

Simple, green, CSS based design.
green, right-sidebar, two-columns, white
0 new websites added last month

5105. Birch

Birch is a clean & responsive personal blog theme designed to inspire and impress. Its strength is its simplicity and flexibility, a modern WordPress
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5106. cocoa

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5107. Magic

Magic is a multipurpose WordPress theme with stylish colorful appearance and lots of skins and customization options. It can easily be turned into a p
+1 new websites added last month

5108. wp_simple

0 new websites added last month

5109. Rejuvenate

Rejuvenate is a WordPress theme ideal for those wanting to showcase their spa salons or massage parlors. The design, affected by the big slider is rel
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5110. Summit Lite

A free responsive, modern Wordpress theme for the avid blogger.
custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-head
0 new websites added last month

5111. Moonrise

Moonrise is made so you can set up an eye-catching site that will boost your business. It can be a one-page website, but you have the flexibility to h
-2 new websites added last month

5112. Modern Estate

A sleek responsive modern real estate theme for WordPress that offers cutting-edge HTML5 and CSS3, various color schemes, page templates and more. Use
blue, brown, custom-colors, custom-menu, dark, featured-image-header, featured-images, fluid-layout,
-1 new websites added last month

5113. Maxima

Maxima The most powerful theme with neatest design. With various options in this theme, you’ll find that it’s really easy to create sites in many
blog, church, corporate, education, kids, lawyer, localization, medical, minimal, news, photography,
0 new websites added last month

5114. myHosting

myHosting is responsive hosting and business WordPress theme that can be switched as hosting base and business theme, suitable for any desktop and mob
blue, brown, business, flex slider, hosting, portfolio, responsive, skins, web hosting, wordpress
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5115. Influx

Influx is a single theme with 4 unique skins, all of which can be changed on the fly right from the wp-admin control panel. The 4 skins, Default, Grun
-1 new websites added last month

5116. Whispy

Whispy is a sharp, lime-ish theme resting on the solid bones of Twenty Ten. Tweaked for improved SEO performance, it features an optional three-column
custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, fixed-width, microformats, rtl-language-support, sticky-po
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5117. Fabulous

Fabulous - Responsive Masonry Blog WordPress Theme
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5118. architekttheme

Architekt Free/Premium WordPress Theme is clean simple and unique. Design to showcase your architectural portfolio This theme was inspired by works of
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5119. modernstyle

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5120. NewTek

A simple and light WordPress theme. Great for blogging and tech sites. Features:- Full width featured images, Custom background, Custom logo, Footer w
custom-background, custom-header, editor-style, featured-images, fixed-layout, full-width-template,
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5121. Devart

Inspired by DeviantArt.
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5122. Unconditional

Unconditional is a multi purpose Responsive WordPress theme suited for business, designers and pro-bloggers. Built with Bootstrap and Jetpack powered
custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, fluid-layout, light, microformats, r
-1 new websites added last month

5123. Azul Silver

Azul Silver is converted into a responsive theme with the same features as before. It also comes with custom sidebar and full width without no sidebar
custom-header, one-column, right-sidebar, threaded-comments, translation-ready, two-columns
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5124. A

Simple green css theme, with 5 template pages, widget ready, social bookmarks... M
food, food market, fruits, grocery, grocery store, health, market, online store, organic, organic sh
-2 new websites added last month

5125. cs

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5126. thesis_18b1

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5127. LiveRide

LiveRide is an easily customizable WordPress Blog, Magazine and eCommerce theme. It is a fully responsive theme that allows for easy viewing on any de
blue, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, f
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5128. folo

Complete with a snazzy infinite loading portfolio, masonry layout, neat lightbox portfolio post, clean / minimalistic design & a powerful theme custom
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5129. Vibrant

Vibrant is super clean, light and was built with minimalism in mind. That said, the theme’s stand-out elements like the unique menu display, comment
android theme, ios theme, ipad theme, iphone theme, localization ready, mobile gallery, mobile templ
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5130. Megazine v1.06

Megazine Megazine is a Wordpress theme especially for blog, magazine, news editorial. It’s very clean, minimal with modern design. This theme is als
Blog / Magazine
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5131. Press

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5132. News Mix Light

News Mix theme is designed for magazine, news with flexible layout. The theme is based on KOPATHEME layout manager technique that will let you flexibi
custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, post-formats, red, responsive-layout, right-sidebar, the
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5133. Workaholic

Workaholic and Workaholic Pro themes were updated this weekend to fix a conflict with the version of jQuery packaged in WordPress 3.1. To upgrade, pl
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5134. News Leak

News leak theme for Wordpress
editor-style, fixed-width, threaded-comments, two-columns, white
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5135. Pinclone

Social network edition. Start your own Pinterest community today! Affordable, professional & Ads-ready Simply, the best Wordpress Pinterest Clone Am
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5136. Eris

Eris from Themeforest puts customization first with 17 custom widgets, seven different page templates and over 50 background patterns to create a maga
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5137. whitespace-pro

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5138. Antisnews

showcase content from multiple categoies in a clean attractive magazine style layout. create your own color scheme without editing any css file. vario
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5139. Toivo Lite

Toivo Lite is perfect fit for business, personal or blog sites. It has beautiful Front Page template where you can show your important content, testim
blog, custom-background, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, foo
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5140. Sugar & Spice pro

Sugar & Spice is a chic, feminine wordpress theme created with wedding blogs and wedding industry in mind. This free responsive theme is developed by
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5141. StrapPress child

StrapPress child Bootstrap 3.3.5 WordPress Theme
0 new websites added last month

5142. Mobile

Mobile WordPress theme is an omega child WordPress theme built with Bootstrap 3, sleek and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and ea
app, app landing page, application, landing, landing page, landing page wordpress, landingpage, mobi
0 new websites added last month

5143. Observer

observer is a retina ready responsive wordpress theme it adapts to any device. this theme comes with many amazing features as 35+ short-codes, 30+ ama
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5144. libase-wp-theme-master

+3 new websites added last month

5145. de-jure

+7 new websites added last month

5146. attika

+2 new websites added last month

5147. Septera

A free, responsive theme for business and personal websites, with premium features and amazing customization options? Septera is a multipurpose theme,
custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header,
0 new websites added last month

5148. Careerfy

career, human resource management, indeed, job board, job board wordpress theme, job career, job lis
+5 new websites added last month

5149. CleanMate

cleaner, cleaning, cleaning agency, cleaning business, cleaning company, cleaning service, commercia
+4 new websites added last month

5150. MaxCoach

coach, coaching, courses, elearning, institution, learning, lesson, lms, online education, school, s
+2 new websites added last month