List of top WordPress themes
Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.
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Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.
WordPress themes list:
About Theme | Websites | |||
6251. NewsiumNewsium is a WordPress theme for the Best Responsive News Magazine that allows you to easily write articles and blog posts. Using live customizer optiblog, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, entertainment, featured-images, |
6252. picostrap5-child-base |
6253. zafiro |
6254. KokoroKokoro is a Responsive WordPress blog theme. The theme is a perfect combination of beautiful and professional. How to install theme:, custom-logo, custom-menu, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-template, n |
6255. lda-child |
6256. themetrust-bramble |
6257. PhotographPhotograph is a WordPress theme exclusively built for photographer, blogger, portfolio, photography agency or photo studio websites. It is clean, supecustom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-im |
6258. AvaniAvani is a simple and minimal WordPress theme designed to enhance your personal blogging experience.custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, one-column, post-formats, |
6259. seofy-child |
6260. noor-child |
6261. ezio-qube |
6262. augustine |
6263. CocaAgency Architecture Portfolio, architecture, architecture design, architecture portfolio, architect |
6264. PetroleumWhat a find! Oil and gas companies tend to implement business goals and achieve performance metrics, and the Maxwell template is on duty to help with |
6265. goodlife-wp-child |
6266. healthcoach-child |
6267. BonVoyageadventure, booking, cruise, destination, exotic, holiday, paypal, tour, tour booking, tourism, trave |
6268. uoc-theme |
6269. dreamland |
6270. Geckoajax lazy load, ajax product filter, color swatch, color swatches, fashion, fashion template, furnit |
6271. stratus |
6272. Dentaluxbeauty, clinic, dental, dental clinic, dentist, dentist hospital, dentistry medicine, doctor, health |
6273. maranatha |
6274. leader |
6275. theluxury |
6276. RubyRuby is a clean, minimal, responsive, fast loading and fully customizable WordPress theme. The theme is built using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4 and is SEcustom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, editor-style, |
6277. winsiders |
6278. applique |
6279. ExpeditionWelcome to Expedition, a clean and professional WordPress Theme that looks awesome on any device. It is really simple to configure the site yourself.custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexible-header, full- |
6280. bonfire |
6281. LIQUIDLIQUID is Responsive Web Design+ (RWD+) theme, based on Bootstrap 4. RWD+ is a unique feature. You can switch the mobile display and PC display on smacustom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, e-commerce, editor-style, featured-images, footer-wid |
6282. off-the-shelf |
6283. mental |
6284. BlogSiteBlogSite is a modern and clean WordPress theme for content-based blogs and websites. It provides a magnificent showcase for your content, perfect forcustom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexible-header, footer-widg |
6285. redsharkdigital |
6286. magnium |
6287. manbiz |
6288. FaithFaith is a free responsive WordPress theme for churches and other religious organizations, nonprofits, museums, educational organizations, schools, etcustom-colors, custom-menu, editor-style, education, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-tem |
6289. crystal-wp |
6290. modo |
6291. Sidefree general/blog wordpress theme by newwpthemes |
6292. rpm-franchise |
6293. Charitas LiteWordPress Theme for Charity, NonProfit Organizations, Foundation. Charitas Lite is a simple and clean but still professional theme that is best suitedcustom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, f |
6294. bst-master |
6295. foot-wp |
6296. soap |
6297. enjooy |
6298. pivot-child |
6299. zerif-pro-child |
6300. tourtheme |