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List of top WordPress themes

Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.

Sort by Popularity. Within the "Top Themes", we sorted themes by "Most Popular" at the time. This option will show you the themes that are currently popular among WordPress website owners.

Sort as most Used - the first 1000 WordPress themes with the high website amount

If you prefer the premium themes we provide the ability to sort themes by theme providers like, Envato Market ThemeForest,, and WpShop. Check Reviews and Ratings. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings for each theme. Themes with high ratings and positive reviews are often a good indication of customer satisfaction.

Use Research Independent Reviews.

Explore Featured and Trending Themes. Look for themes that are featured or marked as trending. These themes are often selected by based on their design, functionality, and user appeal.

Consider Your Needs.

Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.

WordPress themes list:

About Theme Websites

2701. transcargo-child

+8 new websites added last month

2702. tm-heli

+4 new websites added last month

2703. Blogstream

Blogstream is a flexible personal blog theme with plenty of options. Optimized for all devices, this theme will stand out with a unique design. Pick a
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, entertainment, featured-i
0 new websites added last month

2704. Newsphere

Newsphere is a perfect news and magazine responsive WordPress theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease. Create a great news website
blog, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, entertainment, featured-images, flexible-header
+3 new websites added last month

2705. Creote

accountant, advertising, adviser, company, consultant, consulting, corporate, elementor, finance, fi
+11 new websites added last month

2706. Freshio

agriculture, clean, ecommerce, farm, food, grocery market, modern, natural product, organic, organic
+5 new websites added last month

2707. the-simple

+7 new websites added last month

2708. wprentals-child

+12 new websites added last month

2709. MaisonCo

agent, business, clean, corporate, flat, listing, modern, page builder, real estate, realtor, realty
+10 new websites added last month

2710. fo

+5 new websites added last month

2711. grandrestaurant-child

+1 new websites added last month

2712. inspiry-medicalpress-child

+2 new websites added last month

2713. domino

-1 new websites added last month

2714. xeory_extension

0 new websites added last month

2715. Highlight

Highlight is an incredibly flexible, multipurpose WordPress theme that can help you create an amazing website easier than ever, by drag and drop. It c
custom-logo, custom-menu, entertainment, featured-images, food-and-drink, full-width-template, grid-
+2 new websites added last month

2716. onetone-pro

+3 new websites added last month

2717. Austin

Austin is a clean and creative wordpress theme that is stylishly multi-purpose and fully responsive. With a modern design, new technology and powerful
+1 new websites added last month

2718. az

-3 new websites added last month

2719. Applay

Applay is a multipurpose WordPress theme for App showcase, Appstore, App Landing, Business and Shopping. Applay comes with Drag & Drop Builder, Exclu
app, app landing, app landing theme, app showcase, app store, app store theme, iphone, landing page,
-2 new websites added last month

2720. Spotlight

SpotLight | Magazine, Reviews & News Portal
adsense, blog, clean, creative, gallery, gutenberg, minimal, modern, news, performance, portfolio, s
-6 new websites added last month

2721. healthcare-new

0 new websites added last month

2722. Trendy Travel

Trendy Travel- Multipurpose Tour Package WP Theme . Multi Purpose Travel WordPress Theme for all services related to tourism such as hotels, resorts,
-1 new websites added last month

2723. jinglydp

0 new websites added last month

2724. Guru

Guru is a powerful learning management (LMS) Wordpress Theme effectively uses WordPress, Sensei, BuddyPress, WooCommerce, Event Calendar, WPML, Mail-c
classes, college, courses, education, education wordpress theme, elearning, learning, learning manag
-1 new websites added last month

2725. Newsy

A 3 column news/editorial themes that allows for various advertising display options. Newsy comes with 11 different layout options which include the s
+1 new websites added last month

2726. Aesthete

aesthete theme is designed in the renaissance/antique style. it includes portfolio and catalogue functionality and supports threaded comments. custom
0 new websites added last month

2727. emptycanvas

-6 new websites added last month

2728. Simple Balance

Simple Balance 2.0 – Free Simple WordPress Theme
-5 new websites added last month

2729. XMarket

XMarket is clear, easy to customize WordPress template. Many new features such as powerful admin module, slideshow, new products display on homepage,
-7 new websites added last month

2730. Mukam

Mukam Limitless Multipurpose Responsive Theme is a Wordpress Theme, Fully Responsive with 8 Different Headers. 8 Different Top Sections on/off, +20 Re
-4 new websites added last month

2731. Mog

A simple, clean and minimalist 1 column WordPress theme.
gray, light, one-column, silver, white
-2 new websites added last month

2732. Mindful

Mindful is a beautiful and responsive WordPress theme that’s perfect for design agencies and creative individuals. One key feature is the home page
-3 new websites added last month

2733. ShootingStar

ShootingStar is an easily customizable theme which can be used for your Blog, Magazine, Business or eCommerce website. It is a fully responsive and Re
blue, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, f
-8 new websites added last month

2734. Barely Corporate

Barely Corporate is a clean Wordpress theme that couldn’t be more easy to use. With a beautiful exterior and a backend that gives you ultimate versa
-5 new websites added last month

2735. PR News

PR NEWS is a powerful responsive and multi-purpose WordPress theme, perfect for news or magazine, blog website and many more. Theme designed with the
custom-colors, custom-menu, featured-images, full-width-template, left-sidebar, one-column, post-for
-2 new websites added last month

2736. Currents

Currents is fully responsive, content focused & news driven theme for WordPress designed by Andy Rutledge. The main characteristics of Currents is how
-5 new websites added last month

2737. My College

My College is a powerful responsive education & blog premium WordPress theme jam-packed with features. The theme is very powerful yet easy to use a
-7 new websites added last month

2738. Santiago

Responsive WordPress Magazine Theme by FairPixels. Santiago is a premium WordPress magazine theme with clean and modern design. It is created for the
Blog / Magazine
-10 new websites added last month

2739. Frontpage

frontpage is a click optimized, woocommerce-ready wordpress theme that can function as a store, magazine, or blog, and will increase your clickthrough
-7 new websites added last month

2740. ArileWP

ArileWP is a powerful, modern and professional multipurpose WordPress theme with pixel perfect design and outstanding functionality. As well as sophis
custom-background, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, editor-style, featured-image
+1 new websites added last month

2741. bifrost-child

+9 new websites added last month

2742. Newspaper Lite

Newspaper Lite is a responsive newsportal style Free WordPress theme and this theme is mainly applicable for online magazines, newspaper, publishing,
custom-colors, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-t
-6 new websites added last month

2743. Gambit

Gambit is a complex and highly flexible WordPress theme perfectly suited for any news, magazine or blog website. It features several different layout
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, entertainme
0 new websites added last month

2744. Bento

Bento 2.0 is here! A powerful yet user-friendly free WordPress theme intended for use in the broadest range of web projects. It boasts premium-grade d
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-image-header, featu
-3 new websites added last month

2745. Pond

agency, blod, border, clean, creative, design, elegant, minimal, one page, parallax, photography, po
+6 new websites added last month

2746. ROSIE

Rosie is responsive WordPress Theme suited for creative designers, photographers, bloggers, product or service landing pages and even corporate web si
animate, background video, blog, business, clean, creative, full page, fullpage, minimal, modern, pa
-1 new websites added last month

2747. Identity

Identity is a modern, bright and colorful tumblog style theme designed for the many bloggers who are young of heart, mind and/or spirit. Identity supp
blog, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, left-sidebar
0 new websites added last month

2748. tk

-2 new websites added last month

2749. Mm

mm wordpress theme
0 new websites added last month

2750. Medical

0 new websites added last month