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List of top WordPress themes

Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.

Sort by Popularity. Within the "Top Themes", we sorted themes by "Most Popular" at the time. This option will show you the themes that are currently popular among WordPress website owners.

Sort as most Used - the first 1000 WordPress themes with the high website amount

If you prefer the premium themes we provide the ability to sort themes by theme providers like, Envato Market ThemeForest,, and WpShop. Check Reviews and Ratings. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings for each theme. Themes with high ratings and positive reviews are often a good indication of customer satisfaction.

Use Research Independent Reviews.

Explore Featured and Trending Themes. Look for themes that are featured or marked as trending. These themes are often selected by based on their design, functionality, and user appeal.

Consider Your Needs.

Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.

WordPress themes list:

About Theme Websites

2901. Assemble

architecture, architecture design, architecture portfolio, architecture studio, art, art studio, art
+7 new websites added last month

2902. hotel-lux

+5 new websites added last month

2903. Saasland

agency, app landing, business, corporate, creative, cyber security, digital marketing, marketing, mu
+2 new websites added last month

2904. Winnex

accountant, advisor, audit, broker, business, clean, company, consulting, corporate, finance, financ
+9 new websites added last month

2905. Vibez

academy, ballet, ballet school, contemporary, dance, dance academy, dance studio, dancing, group, hi
+6 new websites added last month

2906. Ultima

advertising, advertising agency, agency, branding, Branding Agency, content writing agency, digital,
+3 new websites added last month

2907. exception

+2 new websites added last month

2908. kutetheme

-2 new websites added last month

2909. organic-life

+1 new websites added last month

2910. Berlin

Berlin is a free WordPress theme that transforms your blog into a unique and minimal news magazine website.
-2 new websites added last month

2911. fs2

-1 new websites added last month

2912. Growler

Growler - Brewery WordPress Theme . Show off your work with this easy-to-customize and fully featured WordPress Theme. When purchasing this theme, you
bar, beer, brewery, brewing, brewpub, drink, drinks, ecommerce, events, food, pub, pubs, restaurant,
-1 new websites added last month

2913. Grace

grace is a two or three column child theme created for the genesis framework.
catholic, christian, church, donation, events, jesus, ngo, non-profit, preaching, religion, responsi
0 new websites added last month

2914. Corporate 2.0

StudioPress has updated Corporate theme with new features like Author Box, RSS Email Box, Toggle between two color schemes and support for localizatio
-1 new websites added last month

2915. Nuntius

If you've been itching to turn your blog into an online newspaper or magazine, Nuntius could be your perfect companion. Based on the highly-popul
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, fixed-layout, gray, m
0 new websites added last month

2916. Juliet

This is responsive Wordpress theme that you can easily implement into your own self-hosted Wordpress blog!
-4 new websites added last month

2917. winfield

This is a FREE child theme for the Genesis framework.
-1 new websites added last month

2918. Westand

Westand is a multipurpose WordPress theme mainly developed to setup Charity, NGO, Political, nonprofit Organizations, Church donation and for corporat
calendar, causes, charity, donation, environmental, events, foundation, ngo, non profit, non-profit,
-5 new websites added last month

2919. arb

-1 new websites added last month

2920. GrungeMag

GrungeMag combines the professional and precise magazine-style-layout with a progressive grungy style. This theme is great for those looking to organi
-2 new websites added last month

2921. atheros

The atheros theme for WordPress 3.5+ is modern, customizable, clean, and readable with nice smooth shadow effects. Create your own custom menu, choose
blue, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, fixed-width, microformats, rtl-la
-1 new websites added last month

2922. consultant

A very neat and clean blue and white business theme. The theme supports widgets. And features theme-options, threaded-comments and multi-level dropdow
light, theme-options, threaded-comments, two-columns, white
0 new websites added last month

2923. RedBel

RedBel is a simple and stylish fixed width wordpress theme. Already using English (default) and French. Valid W3C template and optimised for fastest l
custom-menu, fixed-width, red, right-sidebar, silver, threaded-comments, translation-ready, two-colu
0 new websites added last month

2924. Camp

Are you fond of that cozy feeling when you are sitting on the evening patio wrapped in a soft comforter and reading a mesmerizing book while taking sm
business, cart, catalog, e-commerce, ecommerce, ipad, portfolio, product, responsive, retina, sellin
-2 new websites added last month

2925. OXY

OXY is a modern and fully responsive Wordpress theme for any type of store, inspired by the best eCommerce solutions and designed with usability in mi
-7 new websites added last month

2926. Principle

Principle is an attractive yet simple new free WordPress theme available to download. Set the branding with ease with our user friendly and detailed a
-5 new websites added last month

2927. Ken Child

Child theme for The Ken - Multi-Purpose Creative WordPress Theme
-2 new websites added last month

2928. Breakout

Breakout is a beautiful, responsive WordPress theme that shows us a little shine and gloss are still very much in. It’s built with the renowned Them
0 new websites added last month

2929. Telegraph

Telegraph Theme, a magazine/news WordPress theme with a compact layout great for content-rich web-sites. Can be easily customized via Theme Options pa
-4 new websites added last month

2930. Litepress

A very simple, yet powerful theme with a responsive layout so you can be sure that your website is accesible to all your visitors from any device. Inc
-8 new websites added last month

2931. lionmedia

-1 new websites added last month

2932. Oxpitan

ace charity, charity, donation, foundation, fundraising, ngo, non-profit, volunteer, water charity
+6 new websites added last month

2933. mixtapewp

+8 new websites added last month

2934. businesslounge-child

+9 new websites added last month

2935. g5plus-auteur

+12 new websites added last month

2936. consultax

+6 new websites added last month

2937. SoundRise

ajax, artist Wordpress theme, audio, best label template, continuous audio player, dj template, ente
+14 new websites added last month

2938. kidsplanet

+6 new websites added last month

2939. manufacturing

+5 new websites added last month

2940. Crane

blog, business, clean, company, corporate, landing page, mega menu, modern, multipurpose, one page,
+4 new websites added last month

2941. tm-polygon

-1 new websites added last month

2942. digitalagency

+4 new websites added last month

2943. Hive

Hive is a magazine-style theme with clean type, smart layouts and a design flexibility that makes it perfect for publishers of all kinds. Whether youâ
0 new websites added last month

2944. Quality

Quality is a perfect theme to create a corporate/business website. It boasts 3 beautifully designed page templates, namely Business Page, Full-width,
custom-menu, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-template, right-sidebar, sticky-post, threa
-1 new websites added last month

2945. Onyx

Onyx - A Powerful Multi-Concept Business Theme
business, business theme, catalogue, creative, creative business, creative office, furniture, left s
-1 new websites added last month

2946. Dynamic News

A responsive, multipurpose blogging and magazine theme with bold colors and fonts. It comes with a featured content slider and a magazine page templat
-2 new websites added last month

2947. Architecture

Architecture is a premium theme especially for industry that need minimal and modern feels like ‘Architect’, ‘Graphic Design’… This theme co
architect, architecture, building, creative, desginer, estate, home, house, minimal, multi purpose,
-1 new websites added last month

2948. Panacea

Panacea encapsulates stylistic freedom using its Color Chooser with 12 preset styles, allowing for easy style customization with just a few clicks. Of
-1 new websites added last month

2949. Flycase

Flycase is a professional and easy-to-use Music Wordpress Theme. It is highly and easily customizable, ready for all devices, simple to set up and e-c
band, customizer, full width, label, mp3 player, music, revolution slider, slider, theme options, un
-2 new websites added last month

2950. tecblogger

Tec-Blogger is a dynamic, fast responsive Blog theme for WordPress. It is suitable for wide-range of blog niches such as personal blog, fashion, photo
custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, left-sidebar, one-column, post-formats,
-4 new websites added last month