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List of top WordPress themes

Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.

Sort by Popularity. Within the "Top Themes", we sorted themes by "Most Popular" at the time. This option will show you the themes that are currently popular among WordPress website owners.

Sort as most Used - the first 1000 WordPress themes with the high website amount

If you prefer the premium themes we provide the ability to sort themes by theme providers like, Envato Market ThemeForest,, and WpShop. Check Reviews and Ratings. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings for each theme. Themes with high ratings and positive reviews are often a good indication of customer satisfaction.

Use Research Independent Reviews.

Explore Featured and Trending Themes. Look for themes that are featured or marked as trending. These themes are often selected by based on their design, functionality, and user appeal.

Consider Your Needs.

Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.

WordPress themes list:

About Theme Websites

351. Wordpress Bootstrap Master

-33 new websites added last month

352. Montezuma

Montezuma is a responsive, customizable and search engine optimized HTML5 / CSS3 theme. Choose between responsive, flexible and static layouts. Edit o
custom-menu, featured-images, fixed-layout, fluid-layout, gray, left-sidebar, light, one-column, pos
-26 new websites added last month

353. Masterstudy

academy, classes, course, courses, education, education wordpress theme, elearning, learning, learni
+24 new websites added last month

354. Risen

This church theme for WordPress has the features a church website needs — a mobile-friendly responsive design, sermon archive, photo and video galle
-8 new websites added last month

355. unicon-child

+31 new websites added last month

356. Ashe

Personal and Multi-Author Free WordPress Blog Theme. Perfect for personal, lifestyle, health & fitness, food, cooking, bakery, travel, beauty, fas
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-imag
+13 new websites added last month

357. Customify

Customify is fast, lightweight, responsive and super flexible multipurpose theme built with SEO, speed, and usability in mind. Unleash the power of yo
custom-background, custom-logo, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-images, flexible-header, footer-wi
+30 new websites added last month

358. eStore

eStore provides an elegant solution for those looking to sell products online. The theme is easy to configure, and offers integration options with som
-11 new websites added last month


PRESSO is the Clean Modern Magazine Wordpress Theme built for blog, newspaper, editorial, magazine or personal website.
blog, bold, clean, creative, flexible, magazine, mega menu, minimalist, modern, page builder, page c
-22 new websites added last month

360. Roots

theme developed through tinkering for groundedtraveler. originally based on fully opensource theme daleri-sweet created by andreas viklund and johanna
-28 new websites added last month

361. Flexible

Flexible is a sleek and minimal portfolio theme packed full of some awesome features. The theme puts your work first, keeping the design elements to a
-9 new websites added last month

362. Delicate

Delicate is a resposive and highly customizable lightweight theme, designed to make your blog works on mobile devices and the endless number of deskto
agency, beauty, business, clean, corporate design, ecommerce, interior, medical, modern, portfolio,
-15 new websites added last month

363. Corporate

The Corporate wordpress theme. Cross-browser, XHTML Strict v1.0 and CSS 2.1 valid. Great for businesses, corporate blogs and web sites. Comes with cus
business, clean, contact form 7, mailchimp, masonry, modern, page builder, parallax, portfolio, redu
-10 new websites added last month

364. Dandelion

Dandelion is a Powerful Premium WordPress Theme. This theme provides all the main functionality you will need to present your products, work and yours
-6 new websites added last month

365. Lambda

Lambda is the ultimate multi purpose bootstrap theme which can be used to make any kind of site. It comes with 29 stunning unique demo sites to instal
+15 new websites added last month

366. Magazine Premium

Running an online magazine is hard enough without having to worry about how it looks. That’s why I built the Magazine Premium WordPress Theme. Now y
-31 new websites added last month

367. TheStyle

Now you can share your content with style. Featuring a crisp, modern design, TheStyle will give your blog that unique visual impact you have been look
-17 new websites added last month

368. dfd-ronneby

+38 new websites added last month

369. primer

0 new websites added last month

370. MyCuisine

MyCuisine is delicious, offering up some eye-catching visuals wrapped in a Tuscan shell. It is a small-business theme built with Restaurants in mind,
-8 new websites added last month

371. TheCorporation

TheCorporation is a sleek and professional theme for business sites. Grab your visitor's attention immediately with the prominent and flashy jQuery sl
-15 new websites added last month

372. Blaszok eCommerce Theme

All of the Blaszoks features seen in the demos can be combined & mixed. There is no need to choose only one demo. We are sure you will find something
clean, corporate, creative, ecommerce, mega menu, multipurpose, one page, page builder, parallax, ph
-5 new websites added last month

373. Hub

Hub is a theme for content writers. The homepage displays popular posts from all authors as well as other content in a distinctive minimalist style. W
+45 new websites added last month

374. Directory

Directory is a unique theme concept, for With Directory Theme you can easily create an online portal and submit your business listings.
ads, adsense, advertising, bureau, business, citysquare, directory, directory box, hotel, listing, l
-29 new websites added last month

375. WP Bootstrap Starter

The best WordPress starter theme based on the most powerful frameworks in the world: "_s" (by Automattic, the main people behind WordPress d
custom-background, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-images, full-width-template, right-sidebar, sti
+22 new websites added last month

376. Schema

Schema is the fastest loading, ultra-SEO friendly WordPress theme. Featuring all the best MyThemeShop features, including our custom options panel, al
mythemeshop, mts
-25 new websites added last month

377. oceanwp-child-theme-master

+11 new websites added last month

378. Blaskan

Blaskan is a responsive and accessible WordPress theme that's built for many kinds of screens.
custom-background, custom-header, editor-style, featured-images, grid-layout, left-sidebar, right-si
-15 new websites added last month

379. jupiterx-child

+25 new websites added last month

380. Sliding Door

A unique template featuring sliding images in the header. Uses a Custom Menu and Featured Images to create the sliding images. The theme has a compre
theme-options, threaded-comments, three-columns
-2 new websites added last month

381. website

-8 new websites added last month

382. xstore-child

+24 new websites added last month

383. HeatMap AdAptive

I am a responsive theme for WordPress inspired by Google Adsense placement recommendations (you can use other types of ads with me too). There's
blue, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, dark, featured-images, flexible-header, gray, l
-25 new websites added last month

384. deTube

deTube is a Professional Responsive Video WordPress Theme designed for video site, video blog video Portal. This theme will help you get a professiona
multimeidia, responsive, theme options, video, video blog, video blogging, video magazine, video new
-44 new websites added last month

385. Ekko

auto service, beauty salon, catering, home decor, lawyer, makeup artist, moving company, pizza, rene
+37 new websites added last month

386. Simple Catch

Simple Catch is a Highly Customizable Simple, Clean and Responsive WordPress Theme for anyone looking to give their website a professional look. It�
custom-menu, featured-images, full-width-template, grid-layout, left-sidebar, one-column, right-side
-19 new websites added last month

387. twentyten-child

-10 new websites added last month

388. Braxton

Braxton is the premier magazine theme that combines both form and function into one comprehensive Wordpress theme. This sleek, modern theme is retina-
News / Editorial
-40 new websites added last month

389. CoverNews

CoverNews is a clean and elegant free WordPress theme that is perfect for online blog and magazine. With the help of live customizer options and custo
blog, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, entertainment, featured-images,
+18 new websites added last month

390. Customizr Pro

The Customizr Pro WordPress theme allows anyone to create a beautiful, professional and mobile friendly website in a few seconds. In the Pro version,
+4 new websites added last month

391. Original

-19 new websites added last month

392. tesseract

-16 new websites added last month

393. Soho Hotel

The Soho Hotel Theme Overview The Soho Hotel theme by MH Themes is specifically crafted for the accommodation sector, such as hotels, hostels, and ser
hotel template
-5 new websites added last month

394. Oshine Child

Oshine - Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
+33 new websites added last month

395. the-core-parent

+28 new websites added last month

396. colormag-pro

-3 new websites added last month

397. Brandon

Brandon is great, modern, responsive and easy to use theme for your business. With our amazing Muffin Builder you can create any page you want without
-5 new websites added last month

398. Starkers

Starkers is a bare-bones WordPress theme created to act as a starting point for the theme designer. Free of all style, representational elements, and
-17 new websites added last month

399. Thesis 1.6

Control font colors all over the theme. Customize the daylights out of your nav menu. Tweak all freakin day.
-11 new websites added last month

400. Magnificent

Now you can display loads of content in a beautifully simple and elegant fashion using Magnificent. Featuring a four-column homepage with 5 widget rea
-12 new websites added last month