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List of top WordPress themes

Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.

Sort by Popularity. Within the "Top Themes", we sorted themes by "Most Popular" at the time. This option will show you the themes that are currently popular among WordPress website owners.

Sort as most Used - the first 1000 WordPress themes with the high website amount

If you prefer the premium themes we provide the ability to sort themes by theme providers like, Envato Market ThemeForest,, and WpShop. Check Reviews and Ratings. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings for each theme. Themes with high ratings and positive reviews are often a good indication of customer satisfaction.

Use Research Independent Reviews.

Explore Featured and Trending Themes. Look for themes that are featured or marked as trending. These themes are often selected by based on their design, functionality, and user appeal.

Consider Your Needs.

Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.

WordPress themes list:

About Theme Websites

4001. prague-child-theme

+6 new websites added last month

4002. Barrel

agency, business, corporate, creative, custom layout, customizable, fluid, ios, mobile, multipurpose
+4 new websites added last month

4003. Amory

blog, blog theme, creative, fashion, fashion blog, fashion website, flat design, food, hipster blog,
-2 new websites added last month

4004. transfers

+2 new websites added last month

4005. servicemaster

+7 new websites added last month

4006. Yuki

Yuki is a modern and highly customizable multipurpose WordPress theme. It has powerful Header Builder, Footer Builder and Homepage Builder to fully cu
blog, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featu
0 new websites added last month

4007. Shuttle

Shuttle is the awesome free version of Shuttle Pro. It is really good for professionals. If you want to make a business, for big or small this theme i
custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, e-commerce, editor-style, featured-image-header, feat
+3 new websites added last month

4008. bizspeak

+5 new websites added last month

4009. travelo-child

+1 new websites added last month

4010. Onehost

business, hosting theme, multipurpose, one page, page builder, whmcs
+2 new websites added last month

4011. Upscale

a sleek business theme by kriesi - update notifications available on twitter and facebook: follow me on twitter - join the facebook group
+2 new websites added last month

4012. bellevue

0 new websites added last month

4013. jomelle

+1 new websites added last month

4014. Nantes

agency, business, clean, corporate, ecommerce, job, mega menu, modern, multi-purpose, page builder,
-2 new websites added last month

4015. Marketing

affiliate marketing, content marketing, digital agency, digital marketing, event, growth hack, inbou
+3 new websites added last month

4016. Tour Package

Tour Package - Wordpress Travel/Tour Theme tour package wp theme
-1 new websites added last month

4017. Camyno

Camyno offers the best user experience possible. Every aspect has been carefully designed to be intuitive for any user, from beginner to WordPress pro
0 new websites added last month

4018. Act

Act - Multipurpose Nonprofit Theme . Act is a Retina Display Ready Multipurpose Nonprofit Charity Wordpress Theme built with HTML5 & CSS3. It is perfe
charity, charity agency, charity foundation, charity hub, charity theme, charity wordpress, charity
-2 new websites added last month

4019. Sensible WP

Sensible is a responsive, multi-purpose theme which can be used for any type of website. It is a flexible theme which can be used to help build an onl
featured-images, left-sidebar, one-column, right-sidebar, theme-options, three-columns, translation-
-1 new websites added last month

4020. Erange

Erange - Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme
advocate, attorney, attorneys, business, corporate, court, finance, justice, law, law firm, law offi
-2 new websites added last month

4021. Oceanic

Breathe in the ocean. Oceanic is a responsive WordPress theme with an ocean-inspired design. Integrated with some powerful plugins such as Site Origin
custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-images, flexible-
-3 new websites added last month

4022. Lush Child

Lush - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme
+7 new websites added last month

4023. Coco

Coco – Clean & Minimal Portfolio/Blog Theme – Wordpress
bags, bootstrap, clothes, digital, fashion, fashion shop, fashion theme, furniture, kids, modern, mu
+1 new websites added last month

4024. tpl

-2 new websites added last month

4025. Sonata

Sonata is an Elegant Premium Wordpress theme for multi-purposes: Corporate, Business, Agency, Personal, Organization, Portfolio, Studio, Wedding and s
-1 new websites added last month

4026. Mission

Mission is a church theme offering everything that a church would ever need, from podcasting to calendars to commerce and funding, mission aims to pro
buddhist, catholic, christian, christianity, church, donation, events, hinduism, islamic, judaism, n
+3 new websites added last month

4027. The Firm

This WordPress Template offers everything you need. It’s SEO optimized, lightweight, translation ready and comes with a simple admin panel. The file
0 new websites added last month

4028. Suave

active, ajax, business, corporate, ecommerce, modern, multi-purpose, shop, shopping, woocommerce
-2 new websites added last month

4029. Iris

The design of this theme is very stylish modern with a minimalistic touch. This theme will give your site a cool impression.
-1 new websites added last month

4030. gt3-wp-frame

Photography is not only the never-ending source of inspiration, it is a special subtile art to capture the object from the original and creative angle
-1 new websites added last month

4031. darkroom

-2 new websites added last month

4032. architectos

Architectos - is perfect for architecture or design orientated blogs or for creative people/agencies who’s tired of regular thumbnails grids layouts
-2 new websites added last month

4033. Founder

Founder's minimalist design presents your content in a simple, clean, and professional manner. As a responsive theme, Founder is beautiful on pho
blog, custom-logo, custom-menu, featured-images, full-width-template, news, one-column, photography,
-1 new websites added last month

4034. McKinley

McKinley is a sleek blog theme based on the awesome TwentyThirteen theme from WordPress.
editor-style, featured-images, flexible-width, microformats, one-column, post-formats, rtl-language-
+1 new websites added last month

4035. iTech

iTech is high quality, low graphics, Lightweight, fast-rendering professional WordPress Theme, especially good for technology blogs. A tabbed block is
custom-header, fixed-width, right-sidebar, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, two-column
-1 new websites added last month

4036. corporate_tcd011

-1 new websites added last month

4037. Good Minimal

good minimal is a clean and minimalist style theme that is good for portfolio, blogs and businesses. this theme is flexible and is used media queries
0 new websites added last month

4038. Rt Theme 6

RT-Theme 6 wordpress edition is best suited for business, corporate or service websites.
-1 new websites added last month

4039. QuickHost

QuickHost is a clean, modern and web 2.0 wordpress theme suitable for web hosting company website. This theme also can be used for corporate, business
0 new websites added last month

4040. Downtown

Downtown comes with a fresh design and a broad range of easy to combine elements like color schemes, background textures and fonts. This makes it pret
-3 new websites added last month

4041. Cherrytruffle

I wanted to create a theme that displayed it’s content in a traditional way (similar to Basic), but with a bit more pizzazz! I tried to keep the str
0 new websites added last month

4042. Loom

Loom is a flat and responsive WordPress Theme with a clean and professional design which will be a great solution for your business, portfolio, blog o
0 new websites added last month

4043. WSC6

WSC Project, Very simple theme. Markup of css which can facilitate customization.
custom-background, custom-menu, editor-style, fixed-width, light, right-sidebar, silver, sticky-post
-4 new websites added last month

4044. Rescue

Rescue is a theme built with one purpose: Getting animals adopted. And on the plus side, your shelter can now have an awesome looking website. Pets ca
0 new websites added last month

4045. Magjam

theme by digipress
-2 new websites added last month

4046. Flash News

Flash News is a new WordPress theme for business related blogs and websites. This template has 2 columns and 3 other columns in footer, lot of place t
-3 new websites added last month

4047. ThemeMin

ThemeMin is a minimal, light-weight and typography-focused theme. It promises to provide comfort reading and fast loading. There is no images used in
-1 new websites added last month

4048. Covert PinPress

This Covert PinPress review is an in-depth analysis of the new version 2 WordPress theme dominating social media. It will clarify what you can expect
-2 new websites added last month

4049. Ambassador

The Ambassador is an excellent WordPress theme for business, resort, or other types of hotels. The modern and intuitive design uses full-width photos
-3 new websites added last month

4050. Sixhours

PLEASE NOTE: 2.0 is a major update, please see before updating. A classic, simple text-based theme.
custom-header, custom-menu, fixed-width, flexible-header, gray, red, right-sidebar, rtl-language-sup
-1 new websites added last month