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List of top WordPress themes

Popularity can change over time as new themes are released and trends evolve. To determine the most popular WordPress themes at any given time, we collected millions of websites to analyze their source code data.

Sort by Popularity. Within the "Top Themes", we sorted themes by "Most Popular" at the time. This option will show you the themes that are currently popular among WordPress website owners.

Sort as most Used - the first 1000 WordPress themes with the high website amount

If you prefer the premium themes we provide the ability to sort themes by theme providers like, Envato Market ThemeForest,, and WpShop. Check Reviews and Ratings. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings for each theme. Themes with high ratings and positive reviews are often a good indication of customer satisfaction.

Use Research Independent Reviews.

Explore Featured and Trending Themes. Look for themes that are featured or marked as trending. These themes are often selected by based on their design, functionality, and user appeal.

Consider Your Needs.

Keep in mind that the most popular theme may not always be the best fit for your specific business. Consider your branding, product catalog, and customization needs when choosing a theme.

WordPress themes list:

About Theme Websites

4651. Tonda

beauty products, beauty products woocommerce, beauty store, ceramic store, decor, decorator, ecommer
+6 new websites added last month

4652. Ryse

app, business, consulting, digital agency, digital marketing, marketing, modern, seo, seo agency, so
+9 new websites added last month

4653. Loud

artist, band, events, festival, label, masonry, metal, mp3 player, music, parallax, playlist, rock,
+8 new websites added last month

4654. olsen

-1 new websites added last month

4655. Juster

agency, boxed, business, corporate, creative, fashion, freelancer, minimal, multipurpose, one page,
+2 new websites added last month

4656. velux

-2 new websites added last month

4657. bitz

-2 new websites added last month

4658. bentuestu

+5 new websites added last month

4659. Bingo

wordpress theme based on blue-black 2.7.5 - designed for
creative, fashion, food, lifestyle, magazine, minimal, modern, news, personal, responsive, simple, t
-1 new websites added last month

4660. Bulan

Bulan is a beautiful, minimal and clean WordPress blog theme that easy to customize and simple to setup. It’s ideal for beginner and professional bl
custom-colors, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, f
-5 new websites added last month

4661. organicwebshop

0 new websites added last month

4662. shard

-1 new websites added last month

4663. accesspressray-pro

-1 new websites added last month

4664. Crown

the crown website theme for wordpress
art, arts, booking, children, classes, courses, creative, lessons, music school, schedule, school of
+1 new websites added last month

4665. basil

-2 new websites added last month

4666. King

9gag, ai, blog, buzzfeed, chatgpt, instagram, magazine, netflix, news, tiktok, viral, viral magazine
-2 new websites added last month

4667. ivena

+1 new websites added last month

4668. california-wp

+2 new websites added last month

4669. Gusto

Gusto - Vanguard WordPress Theme . This Wordpress Theme is great for all types of business and content. It comes with tons of useful options to ease a
+1 new websites added last month

4670. alaska-child

-1 new websites added last month

4671. Globex

globex corporate business wordpress cms theme
agency, business, company, computer repair, data, digital, innovation, innovative, it, modern, saas,
+2 new websites added last month

4672. Osaka

Creating a great site is not a challenge anymore. Superior Osaka is a powerful WordPress theme designed for flexibility, clean sharp look and simple u
-2 new websites added last month

4673. Domena2

Domena 2.0 - Domain For Sale Template
-2 new websites added last month

4674. NEWERA

NEWERA - Smart Portfolio and Business Theme . Powerful WP Theme designed in a clean and minimalistic style. This theme is very flexible, easy for cust
+1 new websites added last month

4675. Innova

Innova is a clean, flexible, feature rich and Modern WordPress CMS theme that was created specifically for interior, home decor, furniture & catalogue
decoration, dinning, draggable slider, ecommerce, exterior, furniture, home decor, home needs, inter
-4 new websites added last month

4676. Chooko Lite

A sweet, colorful and responsive WordPress Theme. Perfect for personal, fashion, beauty or cooking oriented blogs and creative websites. It features t
custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, food-and-drink, footer
0 new websites added last month

4677. Hi-Response

responsive & modular WordPress theme Hi-Response
0 new websites added last month

4678. Aim

Aim is a restaurant WordPress theme with a design different than most others. Cufon font replacement gives this theme smooth, unique typography. Multi
-1 new websites added last month

4679. Yoga

asana, dance, fit, fitness, gym, health, karma, meditation, pilates, sport, sports, timetable, yoga,
+1 new websites added last month

4680. Virtamart

Virtamart wordpress theme adalah theme wordpress untuk toko online indonesia yang sudah include generate invoice dan ongkos kirim via JNE
-2 new websites added last month

4681. luna

Luna is a simple portfolio theme which highlights your project content in a beautiful way. Be sleek and sophisticated with a clean layout and a minima
one-column, right-sidebar, three-columns, two-columns
-1 new websites added last month

4682. Ampersand

Ampersand is clean and professional portfolio theme for creatives. Featuring a minimal, responsive layout, Ampersand looks just as good on your mobile
-1 new websites added last month

4683. blissful_blog

Share your wedding day or your wedding portfolio with grace and style. The Blissful Blog is a beautifully designed wedding photography template for co
0 new websites added last month

4684. Flux

Flux Corporate is A fully responsive Wordpress themes with flat & clean design. Retina display ready and optimized for mobile devices, with beautiful
-1 new websites added last month

4685. Fitness GYM

Fitness GYM theme is clean, flexible, retina ready and has a fully responsive design. Fitness GYM theme is loaded with features, and has powerful cust
-1 new websites added last month

4686. Rhino

Here is where Rhino steps in. The Premium WordPress theme offers a responsive layout and the ability to connect with bbPress for making your own littl
-1 new websites added last month

4687. ReThink

ReThink v2 - WordPress Review Theme Review Products & Earn Commissions with this responsive WordPress Review Theme for Affiliates
-2 new websites added last month

4688. blend

A very customisable theme with options page that gives you control over sIFR fonts, Sidebar Position, Header content, Colour schemes and the Navigatio
-2 new websites added last month

4689. Blogly Lite

Blogly is a simple and clean personal blog theme which is responsive and uses the theme customizer so you can change colors, upload a logo and backgro
custom-colors, custom-menu, featured-images, post-formats, sticky-post, threaded-comments, translati
-3 new websites added last month

4690. Jump Start Child

This is the theme you've been waiting for, with all of the features you could want. Let Jump Start empower you to do more
-2 new websites added last month

4691. Lava

This theme is packed with great features. The fluid wrapper is extra-wide and displays beautifully on large screens. A smooth off-canvas navigation le
0 new websites added last month

4692. heritage

-2 new websites added last month

4693. Clifden

clifden is premium responsive business wordpress theme by webman. scale the theme to your needs just by disabling and enabling its features. customize
-5 new websites added last month

4694. Ximenia

Ximenia is an elegant and subtle design, with soft tones and shapes to bring focus to your content. The theme is ideal for any corporate site that pre
0 new websites added last month

4695. Sofa SuppaStore

Sofa SuppaStore is one of many webshop themes driven by WordPress but probably the only one that includes Stock Inventory and Orders Tracking. Not lik
-2 new websites added last month

4696. Dry Wp

fancy portfolio dry theme, completely compatible with wordpress 3.5
-1 new websites added last month

4697. Swedish Greys

A blog style WordPress theme inspired by the Swedish design era Swedish grace (1910-1930), the subtle nuances of the grey scale and clean typography.
custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, fixed-width, gray, theme-options, translation-ready, two
-1 new websites added last month

4698. Renova

Amazing business theme for construction and renovation, modern and up-to-date. There is definitely all you’ve searched for to create your website. H
0 new websites added last month

4699. Responsive Deluxe

Responsive Deluxe features a very modern design and flat colors designed for clarity. It offers your website visitors visual comfort. Responsive Delux
custom-menu, dark, featured-images, fixed-layout, gray, green, left-sidebar, light, microformats, or
-1 new websites added last month

4700. Helios

Helios Theme is packed to burst with useful features and neat little details. The Header position will automatically turn a widget/module that is publ
-2 new websites added last month