The list of the most popular WordPress plugins from 41 to 80 (108 765 items total)
41. Newsletter
PR: 41
42. Contact Form by BestWebSoft
PR: 42
43. All-in-One Event Calendar
PR: 43
44. Page Links To
PR: 44
45. Meta Slider
PR: 45
46. cforms
PR: 46
47. All in One SEO Pack
PR: 47
48. Simple Social Icons
PR: 48
49. Responsive Lightbox by dFactory
PR: 49
50. wp-smushit
PR: 50
51. Column Shortcodes
PR: 51
52. essential-addons-for-elementor-lite
PR: 52
53. dt-the7-core
PR: 53
54. MailPoet Newsletters
PR: 54
55. GTranslate - Google Translate
PR: 55
56. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
PR: 56
57. Table of Contents Plus
PR: 57
58. YouTube
PR: 58
59. NextGEN Gallery
PR: 59
60. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk - No Captcha, no comments & registrations spam
PR: 60
61. Gallery
PR: 61
62. Formidable Forms
PR: 62
63. Events Manager
PR: 63
64. Audio Player
PR: 64
65. WP-Polls
PR: 65
66. wpcf7-redirect
PR: 66
67. masterslider
PR: 67
68. Download Monitor
PR: 68
69. custom-fonts
PR: 69
70. WordPress Download Manager
PR: 70
71. Anti-spam
PR: 71
72. Google Language Translator
PR: 72
73. BuddyPress
PR: 73
74. PixelYourSite: Insert Facebook Pixel and track Standard Events
PR: 74
75. header-footer-elementor
PR: 75
76. Better WordPress Minify
PR: 76
77. Disqus Comment System
PR: 77
78. ubermenu
PR: 78
79. MailChimp List Subscribe Form
PR: 79
80. Q2W3 Fixed Widget (Sticky Widget)
PR: 80