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WordPress Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugin, website examples, recent website updates

Genesis Social Profiles Menu WordPress plugin

263 active sites

This small and leightweight plugin is intended for the use with the popular Genesis Framework. It adds a special stylesheet for social profile icons for the WordPress custom menu system. The menu system is connected with the (Genesis) menu locations and also with widget areas because WordPress comes with a built-in custom menu widget. This way you can assign social profiles to a lot of locations on your site and easily add your own links, change sorting, change size, tooltips and opening in a new window/tab. So you have a lot of advantages over lots of other social profiles widget plugins around... As soon as you're figured out to add the CSS classes it's really easy, fast and flexible :-). For most use cases and regular Genesis Child Themes this should work really fine. Additional CSS styling/adjusting via child theme is possible of course :).

Please note: The plugin requires the Genesis Theme Framework

Icon Sizes & Networks/Services for Paul Robert Lloyd Icon Set (PRL)

  • 3 Sizes included: 16px / 24px / 32px
  • 12 Networks/Services included: Email / RSS Feed / Facebook / Twitter / Google Plus / Flickr / Pinterest / Slideshare / YouTube / LinkedIn / Xing / GitHub

Icon Sizes & Networks/Services for StudioPress Icon Set (SP)

  • 3 Sizes included: 24px / 32px / 48px
  • 6 Networks/Services included: RSS Feed / Facebook / Twitter / Google Plus / Pinterest / LinkedIn

Possible Locations / Areas for the Icons - For Both Icon Sets!

  • Main Navigation - Primary Nav
  • Subnavigation - Secondary Nav
  • Header Right
  • Sidebar (Primary)
  • Sidebar Alt (Secondary)
  • Footer Widgets


  • English (default) - always included
  • German - always included
  • Italian - user-submitted, thanks to Marco Rosselli
  • Your translation? - Just send it in

Paul Robert Lloyd (PRL) Icons License

Licensed under an Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. We claim no right of ownership to the company logos used in these icons. Provision of these icons does not reflect endorsement of individual services. // To view a copy of this license, visit: // Icon set by Paul Robert Lloyd,

StudioPress (SP) Icons License

Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. (We believe in Karma. If you use any of these graphics for your own projects, a linkback to us will go a long way.) // To view a copy of this license, visit: // Icon set by StudioPress,

A plugin from and GenesisThemes


  • I am open for your suggestions and feedback - Thank you for using or trying out one of my plugins!
  • Drop me a line @deckerweb on Twitter
  • Follow me on my Facebook page
  • Or follow me on +David Decker on Google Plus ;-)


genesis, google plus, icons, social profiles

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Recent update chart Genesis Social Profiles Menu by active site count on Themetix (February, 2024)

The change in the number of websites in the last monthly update -14 websites

Recent changes in the number of sites for the Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugin

How was changed amount of active sites built with Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugin for the research period (May, 2023 - February, 2024):

From June to July website amount decreased by -7 sites: -1.05%
From July to August website amount decreased by -13 sites: -1.98 %
From August to September website amount decreased by -28 sites: -4.34 %
From September to October website amount decreased by -15 sites: -2.43 %
From October to November website amount increased by 0 sites: 0.00 %
From November to December website amount decreased by -72 sites: -11.96 %
From December to January 2024 website amount decreased by -131 sites: -24.72 %
From January to February 2024 website amount decreased by -6 sites: -1.50 %
From February to March 2024 website amount decreased by -101 sites: -25.70 %
From March to April 2024 website amount decreased by -9 sites: -2.29 %
From April to May 2024 website amount increased by 1 sites: 0.34 %

20 WordPress themes related to Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugin

If you're looking for WordPress themes that work well with Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugin, there are many theme examples available that Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugin is the most used. Here are the list of 20 WordPress themes that are suitable for use with Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugins

# Themes (folder name)
1 Genesis
2 Magazine
3 News
4 Lifestyle-pro
5 Prose
6 Lifestyle
7 Associate
8 Metric
9 Agency
10 Executive
# Themes (folder name)
11 Executive-pro
12 Outreach
13 Dynamik-gen
14 Enterprise
15 Eleven40
16 News-pro
17 Agentpress
18 Minimum
19 Metro-pro
20 Quicksale

100 random examples of websites built with Genesis Social Profiles Menu WordPress plugin

Full website collection using Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugin View more examples

Here are some examples of websites built with the Genesis Social Profiles Menu WordPress plugin. Compare website design and content. Evaluate the design of websites. Test the performance of other websites using Genesis Social Profiles Menu plugin, before applying this.